Balinese Horoscope

Balinese Horoscope

For Balinese people the days and the minutes can be lucky or unlucky according to their own unique correspond to a simple characteristic such as Monday – ‘moon’day, Sunday -‘sun’day, and Saturday – ‘saturn’ day.
In the Balinese calendar system, the days have many more names and therefore more characteristics which determine their over-all quality. For example Friday August 10, 2007, becomes in the Balinese calendar ‘Jumat Wage, Wuku Krulu’, and so 10 August 2007 will be different from the same date in 2006. Even if two persons were born on the same day, let say between 23 November and 20 December, if they were born in different years they will have the same zodiac sign but not the same characteristic as the result of the different days of the Balinese Horoscope.
Two children who were born on the same date but in different years will have different Balinese birthdays. Those who were born on 18 December, 1998 will have a different birthday, therefore to those born on 18 December, 1999.
In general, both will inherit the characteristics of Sagittarius. A more detailed description of their characteristics can be found, however, in the Balinese horoscope. Bali Travel News is willing to answer any questions from readers interested in learning more about the Balinese system. Just send your date of birth to our Balinese Horoscope Consultant. He will help you to find out about your Balinese birthday and your personal characteristic according to Balinese horoscope. Please write to Bali Travel News, Jalan Kepundung 67A Denpasar, Fax: 62.361 249486 or email:

Your birth-date
While we wait for readers’ letters we return in this edition to the characteristic and fortunes of LEO (21 July – 21 August). We accept of course that not all people born under the sign of the lion possess identical personality traits. This is due to the fact that many are born on different days.
According to the Balinese Horoscope, people born on January 1 1999, are born on a day called ‘Jumat Umanis, Wuku Merakih’ (Friday), whereas those born on January 1, 2000 will be born on a day called ‘Sabtu Umanis, Wuku Sungsang’ (Saturday). These two days will be determinate of different personality traits even though both are born under the sign of Capricorn.
Being born on Jumat Umanis (1/1, 1999) means the influence of many stars will combine to produce dominant traits such as honesty, proper conduct and direct speaking. There will also be a willingness to help others. Anybody born on this day will be a sucker for bargains, and tend to get mixed up in other people’s business. Meanwhile somebody born on Sabtu Umanis (January 1, 2000) will be influenced by the constellation known in Bali as Bagong (a pot-bellied character from the wayang puppet theatre), and by the moon. He or she will be careful in all things, and diplomatic, too, particularly in written transactions.
Now let’s look at the other horoscope entries concurrent with this issue of ‘Bali Travel News”. And once again, if there is anybody out there who wants information about their own birth date according to the Balinese Horoscope, please write to Bali Travel News e-mail:, fax: 62.361 249486.

Jumat Wage (10 August, 2007)
This day is highly influenced by the stars. Magelut (hugging) is the symbol of this day. Priestly characteristics are dominant, suggesting a quiet intelligence and honesty. Often made the black sheep of the family, he becomes fiercely individualistic and this can cause problems. A partner born on Sunday Wage, Tuesday Pon or Friday Umanis, will be the most suitable for him.

Saturday Kliwon (11 August, 2007)
This day is influenced by the bumi (the earth). The person born on this day has a careful personality, is diplomatic when speaking and full of admiration for many worthy things. He rarely takes risks and this can bring about a state of apathy and resignation when faced with difficulties of any kind, however trite. His suitable partner is someone born on
Wednesday Pon, Thursday Umanis or Friday Umanis.

Sunday Umanis (12 August, 2007)
This day is influenced by Kala Sungsang. Someone born on this day has a reserved personality, is intelligent, and is interested in mysticism. His ambitions are rarely fulfilled. However, fame can still be achieved through creative arts and achievements, written or otherwise. He is quick to forgive, ready to take on almost any kind of work, but can be pretentious. His ideal partner is someone born on Sunday Wage, Tuesday Pon or Friday Umanis.

Monday Paing (13 August, 2007)
Someone born on this day is influenced by the star Bintang Kukus (the comet). He speaks very fast but is soft at heart. He is honest and diligent, highly ambitious, and yet frugal. He is sensitive and always keeps his promise. His suitable marriage partner is someone born on Wednesday Kliwon, Thursday Paing or Saturday Paing.

Tuesday Pon (14 August, 2007)
This day is influenced by Asu (the dog). He is charismatic, quiet, and stubborn. Although he is intelligent, he tends to be irrational sometimes. He is careful and even suspicious, but will do any task that is set for him. His ideal marriage partner is someone born on Sunday Wage, Tuesday Pon or Friday Umanis.

Wednesday Wage (15 August, 2007)
The sign of this day is Kartika (lit. ‘star’). He is noble, charismatic, and highly sociable. He always behaves fairly. He is careful in spending his money and is often considered stingy by others, yet this is not necessarily so. He is inclined towards harsh and awkward talk. His ideal partner is someone born on Thursday Umanis or Friday Umanis.

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