dog aid

Bali Street Dog Sterilisation Program

The Problem

There are an estimated one million street dogs in Bali, Indonesia. Over 90% of these dogs suffer from skin parasites and fungus, internal parasites, parvo virus, distemper, malnutrition, maggot infestation, infected wounds, broken limbs or a combination of these painful and debilitating ailments. The dogs are left to fend for themselves without veterinary care or a constant food source. A slow and agonising death is inevitable to most.

The impact of the street dogs on Balinese society is significant:

  • The dogs have the potential to spread disease and illness to the Balinese people and to other dogs
  • The dogs are susceptible to any newly introduced disease because the condition of the dogs is poor and the immune systems are fragile (the introduction of rabies is a constant threat to residents and would devastate the Island)
  • The unhealthy, malnourished appearance of the dogs deters international tourists from visiting the Island
  • The street dogs chase, torment and bite the Balinese people and international tourists
  • The dogs living on the streets cause an estimated 85% of vehicle accidents in Bali (figure obtained from the Indonesian Ministry for Agriculture)

The Solution

Dog Aid International is currently working with the Bali Street Dog Foundation (Yayasan Yudisthira Swarga) to expand an extremely successful dog population control program.

The Bali Street Dog Sterilisation Programme, established by the Bali Street Dog Foundation approximately nine years ago, has so far prevented the birth of literally hundreds of thousands of dogs in Bali.

With the use of mobile veterinary clinics, the Program sterilises up to 100 street dogs per day. In addition, the dogs are provided with basic veterinary care for skin infection, wounds and parasites.

The mobile veterinary clinics move into Balinese villages and designated tourist areas and remain on-site until all dogs within that vicinity are sterilised and/or treated.

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